Organizational Development

Creating Pillars of Recovery Supports through Organizational Development

“Pillars of recovery supports are formal and informal organizations and groups within communities that provide services designed to develop, promote and support recovery for all.”

Peer Support Coalition of Florida (PSCFL) is committed to increasing the recovery capital of communities. We are committed to increasing the quantity, quality, and variety of community pillars of recovery support. Our work providing technical assistance to organizations include those listed below:

Peer Networks

Building Bridges and Connecting Communities: Peer Leadership Development through Statewide Networks a SAMHSA funded project, supported creation of regional and local peer networks across the state of Florida. Peer Networks are formal or informal groups comprised of individuals with lived experience of mental health and/or substance use challenges, who organize to support one another and provide resources to help others on their paths to recovery. Visit our Peer Networks page to get more information on how to connect with and support your community’s pillars of support.

Peer Run Organizations

Peer-run organizations are service providers owned, operated, and administrated by persons with lived experiences of mental health and/or substance use disorders. These community-based organizations allow for the values of lived experience of peers to be diffused within communities through a systematic model of knowledge dissemination. Through provision of technical assistance, PSCFL supports peer run organizations to create welcoming spaces that encourage and support individuals to flourish in all dimensions of wellness.

PSCFL provides support for peer-run organizations on through our SAMHSA funding TA center. Review our PENTAC page to get more information on our areas of focused technical assistance and to submit a request for services.

Should your needs not meet the requirements for grant funded TA, we welcome the opportunity to serve you on a fee for service basis. Please email us at [email protected] to request a meeting to discuss your needs.

Recovery Community Organizations (RCO)

A recovery community organization (RCO) is an independent, non-profit organization led and governed by representatives of local communities of recovery. These organizations organize recovery-focused policy advocacy activities, carry out recovery-focused community education and outreach programs, and/or provide peer-based recovery support services (Valentine, White, Taylor 2007).

PSCFL, funded by DCF’s Statewide Opioid Response grant, provided technical assistance to RCO organizations that add to their community’s recovery capital for individuals seeking recovery from substance use disorders.

We are so proud of these great organizations and the impact they continue to have as pillars of recovery supports:

We welcome the opportunity to assist you with developing a RCO to serve your community. Email us at [email protected].


State and Local Governments

State and local governments are an integral part of a successful recovery community. State and local governments may request technical assistance with funding, recruiting, and retaining peers and peer specialists. State and local governments may also need technical assistance in the integration of peers into their existing service delivery settings and models. Review our PENTAC page to get more information on our technical assistance to state and local governments and to submit a request for services.

National Consumer and Consumer Supporter Technical Assistance Center

Peer Experience National Technical Assistance Center (PENTAC) is one of the 5 National Consumer and Consumer Supporter Technical Assistance Centers funded by SAMHSA. Some of the organizational development components of the project include:

Developing and implementing technical assistance and training on the integration of peers in multiple treatment delivery settings such as crisis intervention services, certified community behavioral health clinics, hospital emergency departments and integrated care settings.

Developing materials and other training approaches to assist employers in hiring and retaining individuals with lived experience. Employers include State and local organizations. Providing technical assistance to employees on skill development within the occupational and financial dimensions of wellness along with exploration of entrepreneurship options.

Visit our PENTAC page to get more information on the technical assistance provided to develop community pillars of support.

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