About Us
Our Mission: To build communities that promote and support well-being through Leadership, Education, Advocacy, and Networking.
Our Vision: We envision a stigma-free future where Peer Support is infused into all communities.
Our History
Core Values
We welcome, honor, and respect everyone’s right to define themselves.
We believe people with lived experience should have a seat at every table.
We believe leaders can be developed.
We believe education combined with lived experience creates effective delivery of peer support services.
We believe in building relationships and making connections with others.
Peer Support
We believe Peer Support must be readily accessible everywhere.
We believe Recovery is transformative.
We believe in amplifying voices to impact change.
Significant Contributors
Join thousands of active members
Become a member of Peer Support Coalition of Florida to network and stay connected to local, regional, statewide and national communities of recovery.